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Our purpose is to help rural African women becoming successful, resilient agro-entrepreneurs, while protecting their ecosystem, building capacity in:
- Regenerative agriculture
- Sustainable water use
- Soil management
- Renewable energy
We want our beneficiaries to improve the reliability, quantity and quality of their products, maximizing their return on investment and their life conditions, while working with their local constraints:
- Known soil type
- Limited land size
- Unpredictable climate
- Dynamic market prices
To be successful our smallholder model program covers the following:
- Variety trials and seed optimization
- Best agricultural practices supported by digital tools (from soil analysis to preparation, planting, harvesting, crop rotation, soil replenishment, water management)
- Farmers’ organization to support them with
- Financing (seeds, fertilizers, tools, …)
- Mechanization (tractors, Threshers, …)
- Crop post-processing
- Storage
- Transport
- Quality control
- Other services (access to school, clinic, energy)
From our observations, the most important challenges facing the smallholders in Africa are the lack of access to:
- Locally relevant, timely and actionable agronomic information (for smarter planting, watering, fertilizing and harvesting)
- The right cultivars (adapted to pests/diseases but also optimized for brewery)
- Crop specific best practice knowledge
- Individual training and support (both for the Field Technicians and the farmers)
- Adequate and flexible Financing to mitigate risks
- Supporting farmers organizations (helping with mechanization, warehouses, transport, …)
We address these bottlenecks by organizing smallholders to reinforce their existing agricultural skills, helping with both their marketed crops (“cash crops”) as well as their subsistence crops.
To do so we partner with Agtech powerhouse iTK ( and their African subsidiary E-Tumba ( to structure and provide individual advice to smallholders, improving their crop yield while reducing their financial leverage.
For this approach to be sustainable in the long-term we also need to secure large offtakers for this increased production, as we will saturate the local market. Hence our reaching out to corporations such as Castel or Heineken, who source the majority of their adjunct raw materials from Africa.
More Campaigns
Yield Boost
We help our beneficiaries multiply their production rate by 5. We do that by giving them access to quality inputs, to agronomic expertise, as well as monitoring and agro-ecological management based on the latest research and innovation. We also put in place a fair and stable market for the production of these women farmers.
Cassava for health
Rural congolese women often die of infection due to the lack of access to affordable antiseptics and disinfectants. We transform local cassava into surgical alcohol for use in local clinics to fight this curse.
Environmental Elementary Education
We offer free elementary school to the children of the cobalt mining community of Fungurume, walking them through a solid K-6 program while teaching them how to protect their environment and face climate change. Our goal is to serve 200 kids by 2025, showing them a sustainable future away from artisanal mining.